Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Things have been hectic here. I had one sick person after another to care for (which is tough when you live with two 3 year olds) and then my inlaws came to stay for a week. Granted, I hit the jackpot when it comes to inlaws, but it still means I have to clean and entertain.

On the knitting front, I finished my cardigan for my niece as well as the afghan for my mom. Then I got the braniac idea that I needed to wash the afghan. And it exploded. Big holes. Granted, I did this on the gentle cycle (hand wash) but it doesn't matter. I couldn't patch it. It was beyond patching. So I fixed the holes as best I could, and gave the afghan to my daughter who had been coveting it since the project began. She sleeps with it every night. ;-)

We had a nice Christmas here. The girls got lots of toys and pjs and sheets. And books galore! They were so happy.

I got a fancy dog dryer from my folks, a gift certificate for my hair salon from hubby, as well as a pedometer that hooks into my computer. Since I'm almost 20 pounds down now (less than a pound to go), I really need to kick up the exercise if I want to keep up the trend.

In other news, my one dog had an exploding anal gland. If you aren't familiar with the anal gland, it's right where you think it is. Poor girlie. She has to have warm compresses and antibiotics. Major ouchie. It happens sometimes. I think she had too much junk (and not enough fiber) while my guests were here.

Well, that's about all the news that's fit to print. I'm going to try to be better in the new year in sharing my knitting projects. I'm still waiting on my ISE5 scarf from my pal -- she had a delay -- but when that comes, I'll post for sure!

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